An auto accident can leave you with soft tissue damage, muscle pulls, and pain. Here at PT Link Physical Therapy , we work with people who have been in a car accident and who are looking for natural ways to heal from their injuries. When you go to physical therapy in Lambertville because of auto accident injuries, you will get the support you need to heal. Common Symptoms After and Auto Accident Whiplash is one of the most common injuries sustained in an auto accident, especially if you are hit from behind. You might feel sore right away, or the whiplash pain can take a day or two to hit full force. Headaches are common after an auto accident, neck pain, low back pain, and overall soreness are all symptoms that can occur when you get hit by another driver. Physical therapy can address the symptoms, helping you heal in the process. Natural Healing Through Physical Therapy Here at PT Link Physical Therapy, we treat many patients who are also in treatment with other providers for th...